SIN 132-51 Information Technology (IT) Professional Services

Note 1: All non-professional labor categories must be incidental to and used solely to support hardware, software and/or professional services, and cannot be purchased separately.


Note 2: Offerors and Agencies are advised that the Group 70 Information Technology Schedule is not to be used as a means to procure services which properly fall under the Brooks Act. These services include, but are not limited to, architectural, engineering, mapping, cartographic production, remote sensing, geographic information systems, and related services. FAR 36.6 distinguishes between mapping services of an A/E nature and mapping services which are not connected nor incidental to the traditionally accepted A/E Services.


SIN 132-33 Perpetual Software, SIN 132-34 Maintenance of Software, SIN 132-50 Training Courses




ATTN: ISTG Contracts & Financial Services

2277 Research Boulevard

Rockville, MD 20850-3225

Phone: 301.519.5474

Fax: 301.330.8946

Janet Rosenbaum









Pricelist current through modification#13 dated 7/15/05


Products and ordering information in this Authorized FSS Information Technology (IT) Schedule Pricelist are also available on the GSA Advantage! System. Agencies can browse GSA Advantage! By accessing the Federal Supply Services Home Page via the Internet at








Ordering Instructions/Terms and Conditions

1. Geographic Scope of Contract

The geographic scope of this contract is the 48 contiguous states, the District of Columbia, Alaska and Hawaii, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

2. Contractor's Ordering Address

Aspen Systems Corporation

ATTN: ISTG Contracts

2277 Research Blvd.

Rockville, MD 20850

Phone: 301.519.5474

Fax: 301.330.8946

Contractor's Service Area

All Government locations within the scope of the contract.

Contractor's Payment Address

Aspen Systems Corporation

ATTN: Accounting Dept. - 8A

2277 Research Blvd.

Rockville, MD 20850

Fax: 301.519.5295

Contractors are required to accept the Government purchase card for payments equal to or less than the micro-purchase threshold for oral or written delivery orders. Government purchase cards will be acceptable for payment above the micro-purchase threshold. In addition, bank account information for wire transfer payments will be shown on the invoice.

The following telephone number(s) can be used by ordering agencies to obtain technical and/or ordering assistance:


3. Liability for Injury or Damage

The Contractor shall not be liable for any injury to Government personnel or damage to Government property arising from the use of equipment maintained by the Contractor, unless such injury or damage is due to the fault or negligence of the Contractor.


4. Statistical Data for Government Ordering Office Completion of Standard Form 279


Block 9: G. Order/Modification Under Federal Schedule

Block 16: Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS): 04-430-6348

Block 30: Type of Contractor: C. Large Business

Block 31: Women-owned Small Business: No

Block 36: Contractor's Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): 52-1143803

5. FOB Destination

When deliveries are made to destinations outside the 48 contiguous states (i.e., Alaska, Hawaii, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico), and such overseas locations as specified, and are not covered the following conditions apply:

(1) Delivery will be f.o.b. inland carrier, point of exportation (FAR 52.247-38), with the transportation charges to be paid by the Government from the point of exportation to destination in Alaska, Hawaii, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and such overseas locations specified, as designated by the ordering office. The Contractor shall add the actual cost of transportation to destination from the point of exportation in the 48 contiguous States nearest to the designated destination. Such costs will, in all cases, be based upon the lowest regularly established rates on file with the Interstate Commerce Commission, the U.S. Maritime Commission (if shipped by water), or any State regulatory body, or those published by the U.S. Postal Service; and must be supported by paid freight or express receipt or by a statement of parcel post charges including weight of shipment.

(2) The right is reserved to ordering agencies to furnish Government bills of lading.

Ordering offices will be required to pay differential between freight charges and express charges where express deliveries are desired by the Government.

6. Delivery Schedule

(a) Time of Delivery: The contractor shall deliver to destination within the number of calendar days after receipt of order (ARO), as set forth below.

Items or Groups of Items (SIN or Nomenclature) Delivery Time (Days ARO)

SINs 132-51, 132-33, 132-34, 132-50- As negotiated between Ordering Agency and Contractor

(b) Urgent Requirements: When the Federal Supply Schedule contract delivery period does not meet the bona fide urgent delivery requirements of an ordering agency, agencies are encouraged, if time permits, to contact the contractor for the purpose of obtaining accelerated delivery. The contractor shall reply to the inquiry within 3 workdays after receipt. (Telephonic replies shall be confirmed by the contractor in writing.) If the contractor offers an accelerated delivery time acceptable to the ordering agency, any order(s) placed pursuant to the agreed upon accelerated delivery time frame shall be delivered within this shorter delivery time and in accordance with all other terms and conditions of the contract.

7. Discounts

Prices shown are NET prices: Basic Discounts have been deducted.

a. Prompt Payment: None - NET 30 days from receipt of invoice or date of acceptance, whichever is later

b. Quantity: None

c. Dollar Volume: None

d. Government Educational Institutions: Government Educational Institutions are offered the same discounts as all other Government customers.

8. Trade Agreements Act of 1979, as Amended

All items are U.S. made end products, designated country end products, Caribbean Basin country end products, Canadian end products, or Mexican end products as defined in the Trade Agreements Act of 1979, as amended.

9. Statements Concerning Availability of Export Packing

Export packing is available at extra cost outside the scope of this contract.

10. Small Requirements

The minimum dollar value of orders to be issued is $100.

11. Maximum Order

(All dollar amounts are exclusive of any discount for reason of prompt payment)

Special Item 132-51 - Information Technology (IT) Professional Services:

The maximum dollar value per order for all IT Professional services will be $500,000. Ordering agencies are encouraged to seek price reductions for delivery orders in excess $500,000.

12. Use of Federal Supply Service Information Technology Schedule Contracts.

In accordance with FAR 8.404:

Orders placed pursuant to a Multiple Award Schedule (MAS), using the procedures in FAR 8.404, are considered to be issued pursuant to full and open competition. Therefore, when placing orders under Federal Supply Schedules, ordering offices need not seek further competition, synopsize the requirement, make a separate determination of fair and reasonable pricing, or consider small business set-asides in accordance with subpart 19.5. GSA has already determined the prices of items under schedule contracts to be fair and reasonable. By placing an order against a schedule using the procedures outlined below, the ordering office has concluded that the order represents the best value and results in the lowest overall cost alternative (considering price, special features, administrative costs, etc.) to meet the Government s needs.

a. Orders placed at or below the micro-purchase threshold. Ordering offices can place orders at or below the micro-purchase threshold with any Federal Supply Schedule Contractor.

b. Orders exceeding the micro-purchase threshold but not exceeding the maximum order threshold. Orders should be placed with the Schedule Contractor that can provide the supply or service that represents the best value. Before placing an order, ordering offices should consider reasonably available information about the supply or service offered under MAS contracts by using the "GSA Advantage!" on-line shopping service, or by reviewing the catalogs/pricelists of at least three Schedule Contractors and selecting the delivery and other options available under the schedule that meets the agency s needs. In selecting the supply or service representing the best value, the ordering office may consider--

(1) Special features of the supply or service that are required in effective program performance and that are not provided by a comparable supply or service;

(2) Trade-in considerations;

(3) Probable life of the item selected as compared with that of a comparable item;

(4) Warranty considerations;

(5) Maintenance availability;

(6) Past performance; and

(7) Environmental and energy efficiency considerations.

c. Orders exceeding the maximum order threshold. Each schedule contract has an established maximum order threshold. This threshold represents the point where it is advantageous for the ordering office to seek a price reduction. In addition to following the procedures in paragraph b, above, and before placing an order that exceeds the maximum order threshold, ordering offices shall--

(1) Review additional Schedule Contractors catalogs/pricelists or use the "GSA Advantage!" on-line shopping service;

(2) Based upon the initial evaluation, generally seek price reductions from the Schedule Contractor(s) appearing to provide the best value (considering price and other factors); and

(3) After price reductions have been sought, place the order with the Schedule Contractor that provides the best value and results in the lowest overall cost alternative. If further price reductions are not offered, an order may still be placed, if the ordering office determines that it is appropriate.

NOTE: For orders exceeding the maximum order threshold, the Contractor may:

(1) Offer a new lower price for this requirement (the Price Reductions clause is not applicable to orders placed over the maximum order in FAR 52.216-19 Order Limitations);

(2) Offer the lowest price available under the contract; or

(3) Decline the order (orders must be returned in accordance with FAR 52.216-19).

d. Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs). The establishment of Federal Supply Schedule BPAs is permitted when following the ordering procedures in FAR 8.404. All schedule contracts contain BPA provisions. Ordering offices may use BPAs to establish accounts with Contractors to fill recurring requirements. BPAs should address the frequency of ordering and invoicing, discounts, and delivery locations and times.

e. Price reductions. In addition to the circumstances outlined in paragraph c, above, there may be instances when ordering offices will find it advantageous to request a price reduction. For example, when the ordering office finds a schedule supply or service elsewhere at a lower price or when a BPA is being established to fill recurring requirements, requesting a price reduction could be advantageous. The potential volume of orders under these agreements, regardless of the size of the individual order, may offer the ordering office the opportunity to secure greater discounts. Schedule Contractors are not required to pass on to all schedule users a price reduction extended only to an individual agency for a specific order.

f. Small business. For orders exceeding the micro-purchase threshold, ordering offices should give preference to the items of small business concerns when two or more items at the same delivered price will satisfy the requirement.

g. Documentation. Orders should be documented, at a minimum, by identifying the Contractor the item was purchased from, the item purchased, and the amount paid. If an agency requirement in excess of the micro-purchase threshold is defined so as to require a particular brand name, product, or feature of a product peculiar to one manufacturer, thereby precluding consideration of a product manufactured by another company, the ordering office shall include an explanation in the file as to why the particular brand name, product, or feature is essential to satisfy the agency s needs.

13. Federal Information Technology/Telecommunications Standards Requirements:

Federal departments and agencies acquiring products from this Schedule must comply with the provisions of the Federal Standards Program, as appropriate (reference: NIST Federal Standards Index). Inquiries to determine whether or not specific products listed herein comply with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) or Federal Telecommunication Standards (FED-STDS), which are cited by ordering offices, shall be responded to promptly by the Contractor.

13.1 Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS):

Information Technology products under this Schedule that do not conform to Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) should not be acquired unless a waiver has been granted in accordance with the applicable "FIPS Publication." Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) are issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), pursuant to National Security Act. Information concerning their availability and applicability should be obtained from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161. FIPS PUBS include voluntary standards when these are adopted for Federal use. Individual orders for FIPS PUBS should be referred to the NTIS Sales Office, and orders for subscription service should be referred to the NTIS Subscription Officer, both at the above address, or telephone number (703) 487-4650.

13.2 Federal Telecommunications Standards (FED-STDS)

Telecommunication products under this Schedule that do not conform to Federal Telecommunication Standards (FED-STDS) should not be acquired unless a waiver has been granted in accordance with the applicable "FED-STD." Federal Telecommunication Standards are issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), pursuant to National Security Act. Ordering information and information concerning the availability of FED-STDS should be obtained from the GSA, Federal Supply Service, Specification Section, 470 East L Enfant Plaza, Suite 8100, SW, Washington, DC 20407, telephone number (202)619-8925. Please include a self-addressed mailing label when requesting information by mail. Information concerning their applicability can be obtained by writing or calling the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, telephone number (301)975-2833.


14. Security Requirements

In the event security requirements are necessary, the ordering activities may incorporate, in their delivery order(s), a security clause in accordance with current laws, regulations, and individual agency policy; however, the burden of administering the security requirements shall be with the ordering agency. If any costs are incurred as a result of the inclusion of security requirements, such costs will not exceed ten percent (10%) or $100,000, or the total dollar value of the order, whichever is lesser.

15. Contract Administration for Ordering Offices

Any ordering office, with respect to any one or more delivery orders placed by it under this contract, may exercise the same rights of termination as might the GSA Contracting Officer under provisions of FAR 52.212-4, Paragraphs (1) Termination for the Government s Convenience, and (m) Termination for Cause (See C.1.).

16. GSA Advantage!

GSA Advantage! is an on-line, interactive electronic information and ordering system that provides on-line access to vendors' schedule prices with ordering information. GSA Advantage! Will allow the user to perform various searches across all contracts including, but not limited to:

(a) Manufacturer

(b) Manufacturer s Part Number; and

(c) Product category(ies).

Agencies can browse GSA Advantage! by accessing the Internet World Wide Web utilizing a browser (ex: NetScape). The Internet address is

17. Purchase of Incidental, Non-Schedule Items

For administrative convenience, open market (non-contract) items may be added to a Federal Supply Schedule Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) or an individual order, provided that the items are clearly labeled as such on the order, all applicable regulations have been followed, and price reasonableness has been determined by the ordering activity for the open market (non-contract) items.

18. Contractor, Commitments, Warranties and Representations

a. For the purpose of this contract, commitments, warranties and representations include, in addition to those agreed to for the entire schedule contract:

(1) Time of delivery/installation quotations for individual orders;

(2) Technical representations and/or warranties of products concerning performance, total system performance and/or configuration, physical, design and/or functional characteristics and capabilities of a product/equipment/ service/software package submitted in response to requirements which result in orders under this schedule contract.

(3) Any representations and/or warranties concerning the products made in any literature, description, drawings and/or specifications furnished by the contractor.

b. The above is not intended to encompass items not currently covered by the GSA Schedule Contract.

19. Overseas Activities

The terms and conditions of this contract shall apply to all orders for installation, maintenance and repair of equipment in areas listed in the pricelist outside the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia.

Upon request of the contractor, the Government may provide the contractor with logistics support, as available, in accordance with all applicable Government regulations. Such Government support will be provided on a reimbursable basis, and will only be provided to the Contractor's technical personnel whose services are exclusively required for the fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this contract.

20. Year 2000 Warranty - Commercial Supply Items

(a) As used in this clause, "Year 2000 compliant" means, with respect to information technology, that the information technology accurately processes date/time data (including, but not limited to, calculating, comparing and sequencing) from, into and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and the years 1999 and 2000, and leap year calculations, to the extent that other information technology used in combination with the information technology being acquired, properly exchanges date/time data with it.

(b) The Contractor shall warrant that each hardware, software and firmware product delivered under this contract shall be able to accurately process date time data (including, but not limited to, calculating, comparing and sequencing) from, into and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, including leap year calculations, when used in accordance with the product documentation provided by the Contractor, provided that all products (e.g. hardware, software, firmware) used in combination with products properly exchange date time data with it. If the contract requires that specific listed products must perform as a system in accordance with the forgoing warranty, then that warranty shall apply to those products as a system. The duration of this warranty and the remedies available under this warranty shall include repair or replacement of any product whose non-compliance is discovered and made known to the Contractor in writing within ninety (90) days after acceptance (installation is considered acceptance). The Contractor may offer an extended warranty to the Government to include repair or replacement of any product whose non-compliance is discovered and made known to the Contractor in writing at any time prior to June 1, 2000, or for a period of 6 months following acceptance (installation is considered acceptance) whichever is later. Nothing in this warranty shall be construed to limit any rights or remedies the Government may otherwise have under this contract with respect to defects other than Year 2000 performance.

21. Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs)

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 13.303-1(a) defines Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) as " a simplified method of filling anticipated repetitive needs for supplies or services by establishing charge accounts with qualified sources of supply." The use of Blanket Purchase Agreements under the Federal Supply Schedule Program is authorized in accordance with FAR 13.303-2(c)(3), which reads, in part, as follows:

"BPAs may be established with Federal Supply Schedule Contractors, if not inconsistent with the terms of the applicable schedule contract."

Federal Supply Schedule contracts contain BPA provisions to enable schedule users to maximize their administrative and purchasing savings. This feature permits schedule users to set up "accounts" with Schedule Contractors to fill recurring requirements. These accounts establish a period for the BPA and generally address issues such as the frequency of ordering and invoicing, authorized callers, discounts, delivery locations and times. Agencies may qualify for the best quantity/volume discounts available under the contract, based on the potential volume of business that may be generated through such an agreement, regardless of the size of the individual orders. In addition, agencies may be able to secure a discount higher than that available in the contract based on the aggregate volume of business possible under a BPA. Finally, Contractors may be open to a progressive type of discounting where the discount would increase once the sales accumulated under the BPA reach certain prescribed levels. Use of a BPA may be particularly useful with the new Maximum Order feature. See the Suggested Format, contained in this Schedule Pricelist, for customers to consider when using this purchasing tool.

22. Contractor Team Arrangements

Federal Supply Schedule Contractors may use "Contractor Team Arrangements" (see FAR 9.6) to provide solutions when responding to a customer agency requirements. The policy and procedures outlined in this part will provide more flexibility and allow innovative acquisition methods when using the Federal Supply Schedules. See the additional information regarding Contractor Team Arrangements in this Schedule Pricelist.




Aspen Systems Corporation Company Overview

Aspen Systems Corporation, a nationally recognized employee-owned company headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, has successfully provided high-quality, low-cost solutions to our Government and industry clients since 1959. We currently employ more than 1,600 full- and part-time personnel and our annual sales exceeded $160 million. The cornerstones of our business are the collection, analysis, publishing, and dissemination of information.

Aspen s experience includes proven capabilities in call center and clearinghouse operations, publications development, document storage and dissemination, data collection and analysis, Web site development and maintenance, training and technical assistance, information systems design and management, litigation support, and library and records management. Aspen s functional areas of expertise are supplemented by staff possessing subject matter knowledge in health, education, criminal justice, housing, energy, and other social service-related disciplines. This comprehensive knowledge base-combined with our proven management processes, advanced technological systems, and facility resources-validates Aspen s credentials as a leading supplier of information management and dissemination support services to the Federal Government.

 Aspen Systems Corporation Description of Services 

When choosing a partner for IT professional services, consider that Aspen has the experts you need to get the job done. Under this fixed-price, labor hour, or T&M contract, Aspen offers:



Aspen Systems Corporation Labor Category Definitions

Project Executive II

Project Director III

Project Executive

Project Director II

Project Manager

Project Director

Subject Matter Specialists VI

Technical Consultant III

Subject Matter Specialists V

Technical Consultant II

Subject Matter Specialists IV

Technical Consultant

Subject Matter Specialists II

Subject Matter Specialists III

Technical Analyst III

Subject Matter Specialists I

Technical Analyst I

Technical Analyst II

Systems Analyst III

Technical Team Leader

Systems Analyst I

Systems Analyst II

Programmer III

Programmer IV

Programmer I

Programmer II

Network Administrator II

Network Administrator III

Telecommunications Specialist II

Network Administrator I

User Support Specialist II

Telecommunications Specialist I

User Support Specialist I

User Technical Support Specialist I

Information Specialist I

Information Specialist II

Technical Writer/Editor I

Designer II

Designer I

Graphics Information Specialist III

Graphics Information Specialist II

Graphics Information Specialist I

Multimedia Specialist II

Multimedia Specialist I

Desktop Specialist II

Desktop Specialist I

Statistician II

Statistician I

Research Analyst II

Research Analyst I

Management Analyst II

Management Analyst I

Administrative Support II

Administrative Support I

Systems Engineer

Database Analyst

Data Entry Clerk II

PC Technician

Data Entry Clerk I

Operations Manager II

Document Management Analyst

Operations Manager I

Customer Service Representative IV

Customer Service Team Leader

Customer Service Representative III

Contact Center Program Supervisor

Customer Service Representative II

Contact Center Program Manager

Customer Service Representative I

Contact Center Program Director

Contact Center Program Administrator

Graphic Artist

Technical Writer I

Analyst /Programmer I

Technical Writer II

Analyst /Programmer II

Implementation Manager

Analyst /Programmer III

Network Consultant

Training Assistant


Quality Assurance Specialist


Job Title: Project Executive II

Minimum/General Experience: Twelve (12) or more years of experience in major information technology support projects, including at least 6 years of experience managing mission-critical projects. Demonstrated ability to manage numerous complex and time-critical IT support activities simultaneously, including directing technical staff, training, technical/data processing support activities. Provides guidance and direction to other professionals, acts in a consulting and/or advisory capacity; coordinates resolution of highly complex problems and tasks, possesses ability to meet and operate under deadlines.

Functional Responsibility: Guides the determination and dissemination of information technology activities, oversees strategic planning and program development, draws upon technical insight and understanding in related technical disciplines to utilize technology solutions to support and meet organizational goals. Lead all financial and quality control activities, such as streamlining, reengineering and transforming business processes, while ensuring consistent quality across multiple projects and major client contracts. Has the lead responsibility for ensuring completion of work products and deliverables on time, within budget, and to the client s satisfaction.

Minimum Education: Master s degree in an information technology-related field or other graduate degree (e.g., M.B.A., J.D., or Ph.D.) with substantial credits in IT-related areas. A Bachelor s degree plus 7 years of additional, directly related work experience (over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position) may be substituted for the Master s degree.



Job Title: Project Executive

Minimum/General Experience: Ten (10) years of progressively more responsible experience in major information technology support projects, including at least 5 years of experience managing mission-critical projects with more than 30 staff, multiple subcontractors, and at multiple locations. Demonstrated ability to manage numerous complex and time-critical IT support activities simultaneously, including technical/data processing support activities.

Functional Responsibility: Directs all financial and quality control activities and oversees strategic planning and program development, drawing upon technical insight and understanding in related technical disciplines. Has ultimate responsibility for ensuring completion of work products and deliverables on time, within budget, and to the client s satisfaction.

Minimum Education: Master s degree in an information technology-related field or other graduate degree (e.g., M.B.A., J.D., or Ph.D.) with substantial credits in IT-related areas. A Bachelor s degree plus 6 years of additional, directly related work experience (over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position) may be substituted for the Master s degree.


Job Title: Project Director III

Minimum/General Experience: Fourteen (14) or more years of progressively more responsible experience in major information technology support projects, including at least 7 years of experience managing mission-critical projects with multiple staff and contractor team personnel. Demonstrated ability to manage numerous large complex and IT support activities simultaneously, including technical/data processing support activities.

Functional Responsibility: Guides the determination and dissemination of information technology activities, oversees strategic planning and program development, draws upon technical insight and understanding in related technical disciplines to utilize technology solutions to support and meet organizational goals. Lead all financial and quality control activities, such as streamlining, reengineering and transforming business processes, while ensuring consistent quality across multiple projects and major client contracts. Has ultimate responsibility for ensuring completion of work products and deliverables on time, within budget, and to the client s satisfaction.

Minimum Education: Master s degree in an information technology-related field or other graduate degree (e.g., M.B.A., J.D., or Ph.D.) with substantial credits in IT-related areas. A Bachelor s degree plus 8 years of additional, directly related work experience (over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position) may be substituted for the Master s degree.


Job Title: Project Director II

Minimum/General Experience: Ten (10) or more years of progressively responsible experience in major information technology support projects, including at least 6 years of experience managing mission-critical projects. Demonstrated ability to manage numerous complex and time-critical IT support activities simultaneously, including directing technical staff, training, technical/data processing support activities. Provides guidance and direction to other professionals, acts in a consulting and/or advisory capacity; coordinates resolution of highly complex problems and tasks, possesses ability to meet and operate under deadlines.

Functional Responsibility: Utilizes technical area expertise to assess the operational and/or technical baseline of an organization. Directs all financial and quality control activities and oversees strategic planning and program development, drawing upon technical insight and understanding in related technical disciplines. Coordinates with senior representatives within the customer organizations to establish and define programs, resources and risks. Has ultimate responsibility for ensuring completion of work products and deliverables on time, within budget, and to the client s satisfaction.

Minimum Education: Master s degree in an information technology-related field or other graduate degree (e.g., M.B.A., J.D., or Ph.D.) with substantial credits in IT-related areas. A Bachelor s degree plus 7 years of additional, directly related work experience (over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position) may be substituted for the Master s degree.


Job Title: Project Director

Minimum/General Experience: At least six (6) years of progressively more responsible experience in major IT support projects, including at least three (3) years of Project Manager experience or the equivalent. Demonstrated ability to manage numerous complex and time critical IT support activities simultaneously, including technical/data processing support activities. Requires expert knowledge of the functional area in which support is being provided, and outstanding written and oral communication skills. Must be able to anticipate support needs and develop and execute detailed plans for meeting those needs. Requires broad knowledge of the Government s IT environments and standards, and familiarity with the specific environment of the client agency.

Functional Responsibility: The Lead Project Manager is a senior level project manager with responsibilities for coordinating the activities of several Project Managers, or of managing a single large, complex, mission critical project. The Lead Project Manager generally reports to a high level manager in the Government client organization and to a senior corporate officer within Aspen. The Lead Project Manager directs and coordinates all resources assigned to a group of projects, corporate-wide support resources, and possibly subordinate Project Manager staff. In addition to Project Manager responsibilities described below, the Lead Project Manager consults with the COTR and other Government managers concerning overall support operations, scheduling, work assignments, staffing, progress reporting, security, etc. The Lead Project Manager is responsible for overall quality assurance and timeliness of all deliverables and support functions.

Minimum Education: Master s degree (MA/MS) in an information technology related field required. Additional directly related work experience or other education may be substituted for the Master s degree as follows:

(1) Other graduate degrees (e.g., MBA, JD, PhD.) requiring substantial credits in IT relatedfields.

(2) Five years of additional, directly related work experience (over and above the minimum

experience requirements for this position).

(3) An undergraduate degree (BA/BS) in a IT-related field plus one year of additional, directly related work experience.

(4) An Associates Degree in a related field and 3 years of additional directly related work experience.

(5) An IT-related Certificate Program and 4 years of additional directly related work experience.


Job Title: Project Manager

Minimum/General Experience: At least five (5) years experience in Information Technology related work, three (3) years of which involved progressively more responsible supervisory and management experience. Demonstrated ability to manage numerous complex and time-critical activities simultaneously, including technical/IT-related activities. Requires expert knowledge of the functional area addressed by the project; general knowledge of Government IT environments, standards, and procedures; and specific knowledge and experience in the client s IT environment. Excellent oral and written communications skills and an ability to work and effectively communicate with technical and managerial personnel are required.

Functional Responsibility: The Project Manager has primary responsibility for all contractor support provided to a particular project. The Project Manager is the Government s primary point of contact for all support provided to the project, and as such the Project Manager will have frequent contact with the cognizant Government manager(s) and client agency staff. The Project Manager is responsible for planning and managing all support for the project, including monitoring workflow, progress reporting to both the Government and Aspen corporate management, identifying and assigning staff, budget development and tracking, coordinating technical/data processing support, and obtaining other required resources. The Project Manager ensures that proper security is maintained over all project materials in accordance with required security procedures. Performs an active quality assurance role to ensure high quality work delivered on time and in accordance with contractual specifications. Coordinates with other internal corporate components and resources to deliver project support.

Minimum Education: Undergraduate degree (BA/BS) in an information technology related field required. Additional directly related work experience or other education may be substituted for the degree as follows:

(1) BA degree in a non-IT related field with a minimum of 12 credits in IT areas.

(2) Four years of additional, directly related work experience (over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position).

(3) An Associates Degree in a related field and 2 years of additional directly related work experience.

(4) An IT-related Certificate Program and 3 years of additional directly related work experience.


Job Title: Technical Consultant III

Minimum/General Experience: At least ten (10) years specific experience designing, implementing, and/or troubleshooting applications making use of the specific software or technology for which consulting services are required. Must have at extensive knowledge in the analysis, design, and implementation of medium to large-scale information systems. Requires knowledge of industry standard documentation requirements, procedures, and structured analytic methods.

Functional Responsibility: The Technical Consultant III is a senior IT professional with outstanding or unique skills and analytic abilities, particularly with respect to specific application software, operating systems, or technologies. The Technical Consultant III evaluates and recommends system requirements for technical solutions; provides technical direction and management support for a project throughout all phases of the IT life cycle; translates advanced concepts into practical and effective solutions using structured techniques to define requirements; develops feasible alternatives and estimates cost for implementation. Provides guidance and direction to other professionals, acts in a consulting and/or advisory capacity. Lead presentations, recommendations, and specifications in formal reports and oral presentations, to a variety of audiences, including non-technical personnel.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s Degree in computer science or related technical field and over 10 years experience in the field, and 4 years of supervision required. Advance degree in computer science, information management or related discipline may serve as additional 4 years of directly related work experience.


Job Title: Technical Consultant II

Minimum/General Experience: At least eight (8) years specific experience designing, implementing, and/or troubleshooting applications making use of the specific software or technology for which consulting services are required. Must have at extensive knowledge in the analysis, design, and implementation of medium to large-scale information systems.

Functional Responsibility: The Technical Consultant II is an IT professional with outstanding or unique skills and analytic abilities, particularly with respect to specific application software, operating systems, or technologies. The Technical Consultant II recommends system requirements for technical solutions; provides technical guidance and management support for a project throughout all phases of the IT life cycle; translates advanced concepts into practical and effective solutions using structured techniques to define requirements; develops feasible alternatives and estimates cost for implementation. Provides guidance and direction to other team member professionals, make presentations, recommendations, and specifications in formal reports and oral presentations, to a variety of audiences, including non-technical personnel.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s Degree in computer science or related technical field and over 8 years experience in the field, and 2 years of supervision required. Advance degree in computer science, information management or related discipline may serve as additional 4 years of directly related work experience.


Job Title: Technical Consultant

Minimum/General Experience: At least five (5) years specific experience designing, implementing, and/or troubleshooting applications making use of the specific software or technology for which consulting services are required. Must have at least eight (8) years experience in the analysis, design, and implementation of medium to large-scale information systems. Depending on the specific assignment, prior experience may include one of the following: (a) five years experience in data modeling, data base design, and data administration; (b) five years experience in networking, systems integration, and telecommunications; (c) five years experience in the PC/workstation environment, or in a specific manufacturer s mainframe environment; or (d) five years experience in systems analysis, design, implementation and maintenance in a specified operating system environment. In some cases, three years experience in a specific technology, functional area, or software package may also be required. Supervisory experience of IT projects and personnel and previous experience on other Government contracts is desirable. Requires knowledge of industry standard documentation requirements, procedures, and structured analytic methods. Outstanding oral and written communications skills are also required.

Functional Responsibility: The Technical Consultant is an IT professional with outstanding or unique skills and analytic abilities, particularly with respect to specific application software, operating systems, or technologies. The Technical Consultant evaluates system requirements and makes recommendations for technical solutions; provides technical management support for a systems project throughout all phases of the life cycle; provides technical advice and guidance to the system s IT team; evaluates programs in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, quality and inter-operability with client systems; evaluates and develops systems software and hardware requirements together with short and long range planning, including systems integration solutions and telecommunications requirements; translates advanced concepts into practical and effective solutions using structured techniques to define requirements; develops feasible alternatives and estimates cost for implementation. Makes presentations of findings, recommendations, and specifications in formal reports and oral presentations, to a variety of audiences, including non-technical personnel.

Minimum Education: Undergraduate degree (BA/BS) required, concentration in computer science or related field preferred. Graduate degree in computer science, information management, or related discipline extremely helpful. Additional directly related work experience or other education may be substituted for the undergraduate degree as follows:

(1) Three years of additional, directly related work experience (over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position).

(2) An Associates Degree in a related field and 2 years of additional directly related work experience.

(3) An IT-related Certificate Program and 2 years of additional directly related work experience


Job Title: Subject Matter Specialist VI

Minimum/General Experience: Over eighteen (18) years of experience guiding functional area strategies for enhanced IT operations in cross-functional areas throughout an organization. Possess the ability to participate in account strategy sessions, strategic assessments and design reviews to validate enterprise approach and associated IT work products, such as systems involving information processing, communications and networking. Knowledgeable of state-of-the-art or industry emerging technologies and methodologies. Serve as the senior technical architect or advisor for designing and implementing complex strategies by setting technical policy direction for client engagements, communicating with executive management to ensure critical issues are addressed and providing expert guidance to projects in industry and specified IT functional areas.

Functional Responsibility: Applies his or her extensive experience in establishing and satisfying highly challenging and complex system-wide information requirements. Supports customers at the highest levels in the development and implementation of IT plans, assessment, training, and policies. Provides leadership and guidance in the development, design and application of enterprise solutions.

Minimum Education: Advanced Degree in related technical discipline. A bachelor s degree plus additional 10 or more years in directly related work experience and supervisory skill may be substituted for the advanced degree. A Ph.D. or other specialized degree may be required for selected assignments.


Job Title: Subject Matter Specialist V

Minimum/General Experience: Over fifteen (15) years specialized expertise in computer science, information systems, engineering, business, or other related scientific or technical disciplines, including leadership roles in developing and implementing major technology, programs and policy for industry and Government programs.

Functional Responsibility: Applies his or her extensive experience in planning and managing large scale, complex projects to control overall project scope, budgets and schedules for multi-project engagements. Take a lead role in contributing to the development of standards and best practices surrounding the use of IT enterprise products and applications. Provides recommendations and advice on system improvements, optimization and maintenance for areas such as: Information Systems Architecture, Telecommunications, Networking, Call Center Management, Software, Electronic Email, Modeling and Simulation, Database Design, Security Information, Data Storage and Retrieval, etc. Key responsibilities are to plan and manage the work of information systems project teams, design work processes, and implement emerging business solutions.

Minimum Education: Master s degree. A Bachelor s degree plus 9 years of additional directly related work experience over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position may be substituted for the Master s degree. A Ph.D. or other specialized degree may be required for selected assignments.


Job Title: Subject Matter Specialist IV

Minimum/General Experience: Fourteen (14) years of experience providing subject matter expertise in support of project operations. Requires technical proficiency in using the Internet and other resources accessible in electronic formats (e.g., CD-ROM) to conduct research and produce reports. Should have hands-on familiarity with a variety of computer applications, including word processing, database, spreadsheet, and graphics packages.

Functional Responsibility: Applies his or her subject matter expertise toward database development and updating, Web site maintenance, publications production, training and TA delivery, and other activities required by the client.

Minimum Education: Master s degree. A Bachelor s degree plus 7 years of additional directly related work experience over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position may be substituted for the Master s degree. A Ph.D. or other specialized degree (e.g., J.D.) may be required for selected assignments.


Job Title: Subject Matter Specialist III

Minimum/General Experience: Twelve (12) years of experience providing subject matter expertise in support of project operations. Requires technical proficiency in using the Internet and other resources accessible in electronic formats (e.g., CD-ROM) to conduct research and produce reports. Should have hands-on familiarity with a variety of computer applications, including word processing, database, spreadsheet, and graphics packages.

Functional Responsibility: Applies his or her subject matter expertise toward database development and updating, Web site maintenance, publications production, training and TA delivery, and other activities required by the client.

Minimum Education: Master s degree. A Bachelor s degree plus 5 years of additional directly related work experience over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position may be substituted for the Master s degree. A Ph.D. or other specialized degree (e.g., J.D.) may be required for selected assignments.


Job Title: Subject Matter Specialist II

Minimum/General Experience: Ten (10) years of experience providing subject matter expertise in support of project operations. Requires technical proficiency in using the Internet and other resources accessible in electronic formats (e.g., CD-ROM) to conduct research and produce reports. Should have hands-on familiarity with a variety of computer applications, including word processing, database, spreadsheet, and graphics packages.

Functional Responsibility: Applies his or her subject matter expertise toward database development and updating, Web site maintenance, publications production, training and TA delivery, and other activities required by the client.

Minimum Education: Master s degree. A Bachelor s degree plus 3 years of additional directly related work experience over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position may be substituted for the Master s degree. A Ph.D. or other specialized degree (e.g., J.D.) may be required for selected assignments.


Job Title: Subject Matter Specialist I

Minimum/General Experience: Eight (8) years of experience providing subject matter expertise in support of project operations. Requires technical proficiency in using the Internet and other resources accessible in electronic formats (e.g., CD-ROM) to conduct research and produce reports. Should have hands-on familiarity with a variety of computer applications, including word processing, database, spreadsheet, and graphics packages.

Functional Responsibility: Applies his or her subject matter expertise toward database development and updating, Web site maintenance, publications production, training and TA delivery, and other activities required by the client.

Minimum Education: Master s degree. A Bachelor s degree plus 2 years of additional, directly related work experience may be substituted for the Master s degree.


Job Title: Technical Analyst III

Minimum/General Experience: Ten (10) years of experience supporting the development and implementation of systems operations on large, multi-task projects, including the ability to ensure continuous, high-quality performance of integrated systems and technologies.

Functional Responsibility: Works with multiple technical teams to perform the following responsibilities: computer systems analysis, software analysis and design, Web development, data modeling, data collection and analysis, database development, and information dissemination. Plans, conducts, and coordinates major complex computer programming applications. Provides analytical support and technical advice during the conceptualization, development, and implementation phases. Prepares cost estimates and detailed schedules for systems projects.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in an information technology-related field. An Associate s degree in a related field and 6 years of additional directly related work experience or an IT-related Certificate Program and 6 years of additional directly related work experience may be substituted for the Bachelor s degree.


Job Title: Technical Analyst II

Minimum/General Experience: Eight (8) years of experience supporting the development and implementation of systems operations on large, multi-task projects, including the ability to ensure continuous, high-quality performance of integrated systems and technologies.

Functional Responsibility: Works with multiple technical teams to perform the following responsibilities: computer systems analysis, software analysis and design, Web development, data modeling, data collection and analysis, database development, and information dissemination. Plans, conducts, and coordinates major complex computer programming applications. Provides analytical support and technical advice during the conceptualization, development, and implementation phases. Prepares cost estimates and detailed schedules for systems projects.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in an information technology-related field. An Associate s degree in a related field and 5 years of additional directly related work experience or an IT-related Certificate Program and 5 years of additional directly related work experience may be substituted for the Bachelor s degree.


Job Title: Technical Analyst I

Minimum/General Experience: Six (6) years of experience supporting the development and implementation of systems operations on large, multi-task projects, including the ability to ensure continuous, high-quality performance of integrated systems and technologies.

Functional Responsibility: Works with multiple technical teams to perform the following responsibilities: computer systems analysis, software analysis and design, Web development, data modeling, data collection and analysis, database development, and information dissemination. Plans, conducts, and coordinates major complex computer programming applications. Provides analytical support and technical advice during the conceptualization, development, and implementation phases. Prepares cost estimates and detailed schedules for systems projects.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in an information technology-related field. An Associate s degree in a related field and 4 years of additional directly related work experience or an IT-related Certificate Program and 4 years of additional directly related work experience may be substituted for the Bachelor s degree.


Job Title: Technical Team Leader

Minimum/General Experience: Eight (8) years experience in the primary technical discipline required for the team s assignment, including at least one (1) year supervising IT line staff. For analysis and design tasks, this would constitute experience as a Systems Analyst or Programmer/Analyst. For programming tasks, the required experience would be as a programmer, and similar relationships hold for other technical specialties. At least one year of the five must be in the client s functional area. Requires excellent written and oral communications skills, and hands-on familiarity with the client s information technology environment and the specific hardware and software products to be used for the team s assignment.

Functional Responsibility: The Technical Team Leader is a first line supervisor of a small team working on a task or specific area of a larger project. The Technical Team Leader has both technical and management leadership responsibilities in respect to the team and the team s assigned task(s). The Technical Team Leader is a working member of the team as well as providing technical direction to the more junior members of the team. The Technical Team Leader reports to the Project Manager and may also interface directly with Government technical or system user personnel. Troubleshoots and performs quality control checks and may also supervise preliminary testing of the team s work. Formulates administrative and technical procedures for accomplishing assigned work and ensures compliance with standards and procedures established for the contractual effort.

Minimum Education: Undergraduate degree (BA/BS) in an information technology related field required. Additional directly related work experience or other education may be substituted for the degree as follows:

(1) Three years of additional, directly related work experience (over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position).

(2) An Associates Degree in a related field and 2 year of additional directly related work experience.

(3) An IT-related Certificate Program and 2 years of additional directly related work experience.


Job Title: Systems Analyst III

Minimum/General Experience: Seven (7) years of experience in analysis, design, and implementation of medium to large data processing systems, including 3 years of experience in the general functional area addressed by an individual work order and 3 years of experience in the design, installation, modification, and maintenance of databases.

Functional Responsibility: Supervises and participates in computer-based systems development and/or system maintenance projects. Conducts discussions with client organizations to gather information, review, evaluate, and analyze existing manual and computer-based systems. Performs system design activities, works out the details of data validation specifications, data capture mechanisms, and data conversion procedures. Tests software, including the preparation of sample data for testing. Presents findings, progress reports, recommendations, and specifications in formal reports and oral presentations. Develops system life cycle documentation as required.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree; computer science or information management degree preferred. An Associate s degree in a related field and 5 years of additional directly related work experience or an IT-related Certificate Program and 5 years of additional directly related work experience may be substituted for the Bachelor s degree.


Job Title: Systems Analyst II

Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years of experience in analysis, design, and implementation of medium to large data processing systems, including 2 years of experience in the general functional area addressed by an individual work order and 2 years of experience in the design, installation, modification, and maintenance of databases.

Functional Responsibility: Supervises and participates in computer-based systems development and/or system maintenance projects. Conducts discussions with client organizations to gather information, review, evaluate, and analyze existing manual and computer-based systems. Performs system design activities, works out the details of data validation specifications, data capture mechanisms, and data conversion procedures. Tests software, including the preparation of sample data for testing. Presents findings, progress reports, recommendations, and specifications in formal reports and oral presentations. Develops system life cycle documentation as required.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree; computer science or information management degree preferred. An Associate s degree in a related field and 3 years of additional directly related work experience or an IT-related Certificate Program and 3 years of additional directly related work experience may be substituted for the Bachelor s degree.


Job Title: Systems Analyst I

Minimum/General Experience: At least three (3) years experience in analysis, design, and implementation of medium to large data processing systems, including one year of experience in the general functional area addressed by an individual work order and one year of experience in the design, installation, modification, and maintenance of data bases. An additional three (3) years of related general experience in the IT field (such as programming, analysis and design, or testing) is required. Knowledge of the specific hardware and software environment used by the client will be highly desired. Requires excellent oral and written communication skills, knowledge of industry standard documentation requirements, and knowledge of structured analytical methods.

Functional Responsibility: Supervises and participates in computer-based systems development and/or system maintenance projects. Conducts detailed discussions with representatives of client organizations to gather information, review, evaluate, and analyze existing manual and computer-based systems. Based on the information gathered, performs system design activities including but not limited to logical design, file design, data base design, system and program design specifications, and screen and GUI design. Works out the details of data validation specifications, data capture mechanisms, and data conversion procedures. Tests software, including the preparation of sample data for testing. Presents findings, progress reports, recommendations, and specifications in formal reports and oral presentations. Develops system life cycle documentation as required in the task orders. Provides technical expertise, direction, and supervision to lower level personnel.

Minimum Education: Undergraduate degree (BS) required, computer science or information management degree preferred. Additional directly related work experience or other education may be substituted for the undergraduate degree as follows:

(1) Three years of additional, directly related work experience (over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position).

(2) An Associates Degree in a related field and 2 years of additional directly related work experience.

(3) An IT-related Certificate Program and 2 years of additional directly related work experience.


Job Title: Programmer IV

Minimum/General Experience: Nine (9) years of progressively more complex programming experience to include 5 years of experience in the specific programming language, database management system, or software package to be used for a given assignment, and 4 years of experience in the general functional area addressed by the task requirement.

Functional Responsibility: Working under the direction of more senior Aspen IT personnel, develops, modifies, and maintains complex computer application programs which may produce several different but interrelated products. The programs may be oriented to transaction processing, database creation and maintenance, management and tracking systems, analytical applications, or other specialized requirements. Translates program requirements from specification documents into program code. Codes, tests, and debugs programs, and also tests complete systems or system components as directed. Documents programs and system logic in accordance with contractual specifications or industry standards.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree; computer science or related discipline preferred. An Associate s degree in a related field and 5 years of additional directly related work experience or an IT-related Certificate Program and 5 years of additional directly related work experience may be substituted for the Bachelor s degree.


Job Title: Programmer III

Minimum/General Experience: Seven (7) years of progressively more complex programming experience to include 4 years of experience in the specific programming language, database management system, or software package to be used for a given assignment, and 3 years of experience in the general functional area addressed by the task requirement.

Functional Responsibility: Working under the direction of more senior Aspen IT personnel, develops, modifies, and maintains complex computer application programs which may produce several different but interrelated products. The programs may be oriented to transaction processing, database creation and maintenance, management and tracking systems, analytical applications, or other specialized requirements. Translates program requirements from specification documents into program code. Codes, tests, and debugs programs, and also tests complete systems or system components as directed. Documents programs and system logic in accordance with contractual specifications or industry standards.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree; computer science or related discipline preferred. An Associate s degree in a related field and 4 years of additional directly related work experience or an IT-related Certificate Program and 4 years of additional directly related work experience may be substituted for the Bachelor s degree.


Job Title: Programmer II

Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years of progressively more complex programming experience to include 3 years of experience in the specific programming language, database management system, or software package to be used for a given assignment, and 2 years of experience in the general functional area addressed by the task requirement.

Functional Responsibility: Working under the direction of more senior Aspen IT personnel, develops, modifies, and maintains complex computer application programs which may produce several different but interrelated products. The programs may be oriented to transaction processing, database creation and maintenance, management and tracking systems, analytical applications, or other specialized requirements. Translates program requirements from specification documents into program code. Codes, tests, and debugs programs, and also tests complete systems or system components as directed. Documents programs and system logic in accordance with contractual specifications or industry standards.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree; computer science or related discipline preferred. An Associate s degree in a related field and 3 years of additional directly related work experience or an IT-related Certificate Program and 3 years of additional directly related work experience may be substituted for the Bachelor s degree.


Job Title: Programmer I

Minimum/General Experience: Minimum of three (3) years of progressively more complex programming experience to include two (2) years experience in the specific programming language, data base management system, or software package to be used for a given assignment, and one (1) year of experience in the general functional area addressed by the task requirement.

Functional Responsibility: Working under the direction of more senior Aspen IT personnel, develops, modifies, and maintains complex computer application programs which may produce several different but interrelated products. The programs may be oriented to transaction processing, database creation and maintenance, management and tracking systems, analytical applications, or other specialized requirements. Translates program requirements from specification documents into program code. Codes, tests, and debugs programs, and also tests complete systems or system components as directed. Documents programs and system logic in accordance with contractual specifications or industry standards. Depending on the client s IT environment, may develop batch or interactive programs, employing various user interface techniques. Provides written and oral progress reports as requested.

Minimum Education: Undergraduate degree (BA/BS) required. Computer science or related discipline preferred. Additional directly related work experience or other education may be substituted for the undergraduate degree as follows:

(1) Three years of additional, directly related work experience (over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position).

(2) An Associates Degree in a related field and 2 years of additional directly related work experience.

(3) An IT-related Certificate Program and 2 years of additional directly related work experience.


Job Title: Network Administrator III

Minimum/General Experience: Seven (7) years of experience in the set-up, installation, testing, debugging, modification, and maintenance of networks using industry-standard technologies and protocols such as TCP/IP, Ethernet, or Token Ring, and widely used networking products such as Novell Netware and MS Network. Demonstrated experience in the use of LAN-to-LAN and LAN-to-WAN connectors such as bridges, routers, and gateways. Experience in the installation of cabling. Demonstrated experience in data communications and related hardware such as modems, encryption devices, and multiplexers. A sub-specialty under this labor category is the administration of Internet sites, for which experience in the Internet technologies, protocols, and products is required in addition to or in place of LAN experience.

Functional Responsibility: Set-up, installation, modification, and maintenance of local area networks, primarily for Aspen staff use in the performance of contracted efforts. Troubleshooting and making necessary adjustments in the network operating system, networked software, and related hardware components to maintain reliability of all systems and hardware. Works with other contract ADP staff to install, test, modify and maintain distributed processing databases on the LAN. Receives task assignments from the Project Manager or from other more senior data processing staff. A sub-specialty within this labor category is the set-up, installation, modification, and maintenance of Internet nodes, sites, and Web pages, as well as interconnections to the Internet.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree; computer science or related discipline preferred. An Associate s degree in a related field and 4 years of additional directly related work experience or an IT-related Certificate Program and 4 years of additional directly related work experience may be substituted for the Bachelor s degree.


Job Title: Network Administrator II

Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years of experience in the set-up, installation, testing, debugging, modification, and maintenance of networks using industry-standard technologies and protocols such as TCP/IP, Ethernet, or Token Ring, and widely used networking products such as Novell Netware and MS Network. Demonstrated experience in the use of LAN-to-LAN and LAN-to-WAN connectors such as bridges, routers, and gateways. Experience in the installation of cabling. Demonstrated experience in data communications and related hardware such as modems, encryption devices, and multiplexers. A sub-specialty under this labor category is the administration of Internet sites, for which experience in the Internet technologies, protocols, and products is required in addition to or in place of LAN experience.

Functional Responsibility: Set-up, installation, modification, and maintenance of local area networks, primarily for Aspen staff use in the performance of contracted efforts. Troubleshooting and making necessary adjustments in the network operating system, networked software, and related hardware components to maintain reliability of all systems and hardware. Works with other contract ADP staff to install, test, modify and maintain distributed processing databases on the LAN. Receives task assignments from the Project Manager or from other more senior data processing staff. A sub-specialty within this labor category is the set-up, installation, modification, and maintenance of Internet nodes, sites, and Web pages, as well as interconnections to the Internet.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree; computer science or related discipline preferred. An Associate s degree in a related field and 3 years of additional directly related work experience or an IT-related Certificate Program and 3 years of additional directly related work experience may be substituted for the Bachelor s degree.


 Job Title: Network Administrator I

Minimum/General Experience: Two (2) years experience in the set-up, installation, testing, debugging, modification, and maintenance of networks using industry-standard technologies and protocols such as TCP/IP, Ethernet, or Token Ring, and widely used networking products such as Novell Netware and MS Network. Demonstrated experience in the use of LAN to LAN and LAN to WAN connectors such as bridges, routers, and gateways. Experience in the installation of cabling. Demonstrated experience in data communications and related hardware such as modems, encryption devices, and multiplexers. Excellent oral and written communication skills, and end user interaction skills required. A sub-specialty under the Network Administrator labor category is the administration of Internet sites, for which experience in the Internet technologies, protocols, and products is required in addition to or in place of LAN experience.

Functional Responsibility: The Network Administrator is responsible for the set-up, installation, modification, and maintenance of local area networks, primarily for internal staff use in the performance of contracted efforts. The Network Administrator troubleshoots and makes necessary adjustments in the network operating system, networked software, and related hardware components to maintain reliability of all systems and hardware. The Network Administrator works with other contract ADP staff to install, test, modify and maintain distributed processing data bases on the LAN. Receives task assignments from the Project Manager or from other more senior data processing staff. A sub-specialty within this labor category is the set-up, installation, modification, and maintenance of Internet nodes, sites, and Web pages, as well as interconnections to the Internet.

Minimum Education: Two (2) years technical training in computers or graduation from an accredited computer training institute. Three years of directly related experience, over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position, may be substituted for the educational requirement.


Job Title: Telecommunications Specialist II

Minimum/General Experience: Six (6) years of experience designing, implementing, and maintaining telecommunications systems. Advanced level of technical expertise in telecommunications and related technologies, including Computer Telephony Integration (CTI), Interactive Voice Response (IVR), and Automated Call Distribution (ACD). Knowledge of systems analysis, systems development, networking, design, and re-engineering.

Functional Responsibility: Coordinates telephone system installation and management, including application of CTI, IVR, ACD, and other telecommunications technologies.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in computer science or related discipline. An Associate s degree in a related field and 4 years of additional directly related work experience or an IT-related Certificate Program and 4 years of additional directly related work experience may be substituted for the Bachelor s degree.


Job Title: Telecommunications Specialist I

Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years of experience designing, implementing, and maintaining telecommunications systems. Advanced level of technical expertise in telecommunications and related technologies, including Computer Telephony Integration (CTI), Interactive Voice Response (IVR), and Automated Call Distribution (ACD). Knowledge of systems analysis, systems development, networking, design, and re-engineering.

Functional Responsibility: Coordinates telephone system installation and management, including application of CTI, IVR, ACD, and other telecommunications technologies.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in computer science or related discipline. An Associate s degree in a related field and 3 years of additional directly related work experience or an IT-related Certificate Program and 3 years of additional directly related work experience may be substituted for the Bachelor s degree.


Job Title: User Support Specialist II

Minimum/General Experience: Three (3) years of experience with database management systems or with the specific application environment used by a particular client agency. Previous experience on other Government contracts and training users in the use of databases and applications preferred. Excellent oral and written communication skills and excellent end user interaction skills required.

Functional Responsibility: Assists users in accessing and obtaining information from systems or databases, providing database search and retrieval support, troubleshooting, and technical support in using various hardware and software. Receives user requests and transforms them into effective search strategies, designs appropriate output formats, assists users in formulating simple queries, and helps resolve problems related to accessing databases. Also may provide help desk support to end users of an application or set of applications and resolve problem reports. Assists in recognizing, identifying, and isolating problems with the subject information system or application. For problems that cannot be resolved immediately, coordinates referrals to appropriate technical, professional, or service personnel for follow-up. Uses software tools and applications for problem identification, referral, resolution, tracking, and follow-up.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree. Three years of additional, directly relevant experience may be substituted for the Bachelor s degree.


Job Title: User Support Specialist I

Minimum/General Experience: Two (2) years of experience with database management systems or with the specific application environment used by a particular client agency. Previous experience on other Government contracts and training users in the use of databases and applications preferred. Excellent oral and written communication skills and excellent end user interaction skills required.

Functional Responsibility: Assists users in accessing and obtaining information from systems or databases, providing database search and retrieval support, troubleshooting, and technical support in using various hardware and software. Receives user requests and transforms them into effective search strategies, designs appropriate output formats, assists users in formulating simple queries, and helps resolve problems related to accessing databases. Also may provide help desk support to end users of an application or set of applications and resolve problem reports. Assists in recognizing, identifying, and isolating problems with the subject information system or application. For problems that cannot be resolved immediately, coordinates referrals to appropriate technical, professional, or service personnel for follow-up. Uses software tools and applications for problem identification, referral, resolution, tracking, and follow-up.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree. Two years of additional, directly relevant experience may be substituted for the Bachelor s degree.


Job Title: User Technical Support Specialist I

Minimum/General Experience: One (1) year of experience with database management systems or with the specific application environments used by a particular client agency. Previous experience on other Government contracts and training users in the use of databases and applications preferred. Excellent oral and written communication skills and excellent end user interaction skills required.

Functional Responsibility: Assists users in accessing and obtaining information from systems or databases, providing database search and retrieval support, troubleshooting, offering technical support in using various hardware and software. Receives user requests and transforms them into effective search strategies, designs appropriate output formats, assists users in formulating simple queries and helps resolve problems related to accessing databases. Also may involve providing help desk support to the end users of an application or set of applications and resolving problem reports. Assists in recognizing, identifying, and isolating problems with the subject information system or application. For problems that cannot be resolved immediately, coordinates referrals to appropriate technical, professional, or service personnel for follow-up. Uses software tools and applications for problem identification, referral, resolution, tracking, and follow-up.

Minimum Education: Undergraduate degree (BA/BS) preferred. One year of additional, directly related experience may be substituted for the undergraduate degree.


Job Title: Information Specialist II

Minimum/General Experience: Four (4) years of experience in compiling, analyzing, and synthesizing information to support project task requirements. Experience in database search and retrieval software applications and navigating the Internet using Web browsers and other tools. Should also have hands-on familiarity with a variety of computer applications, including word processing, spreadsheet, imaging, and graphics packages. Requires knowledge of information resources; excellent analytical capabilities and written and oral communications skills; and ability to consistently deliver highest quality work under extreme pressure and tight deadlines.

Functional Responsibility: Works under the supervision of a senior supervisor or other professional. Responds to research requests in specific subject areas and, following established guidelines, gathers, prepares, and summarizes relevant materials for use by other project staff, the client, or the client s customers. Assists with a wide variety of tasks related to identifying, cataloging, storing, maintaining, retrieving, and disseminating information using information technology. Performs indexing, tracking, and control of materials. May also perform document coding, indexing, or summation. Maintains logs of activities, sources, and distribution of information.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree. An AA degree plus 5 years of additional, directly relevant work experience (over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position) may be substituted for the Bachelor s degree. May require specialized certification such as paralegal or nursing.


Job Title: Information Specialist I

Minimum/General Experience: At least two (2) years experience in compiling, analyzing, and synthesizing information to support project task requirements. Experience in database search and retrieval software applications and navigating the Internet using Web browsers and other tools. Should also have hands-on familiarity with a variety of computer applications, including word processing, spreadsheet, imaging, and telecommunications. Requires knowledge of information resources; excellent analytical capabilities and written and oral communications skills; and ability to consistently deliver highest quality work under extreme pressure and tight deadlines. May require specialized certification such as paralegal or nursing.

Functional Responsibility: Works under the supervision of a senior supervisor or other professional. Responds to research requests in specified subject areas and, following established guidelines, gathers, prepares, and summarizes relevant materials for use by other project staff, the client, or the client s customers. Assists with a wide variety of tasks related to identifying, cataloging, storing, maintaining, and retrieving, and disseminating information utilizing information technology. Performs indexing, tracking, and control of materials. May also perform document coding, indexing, or summarization. Maintains logs of activities, sources, and distribution of information.

Minimum Education: Undergraduate degree (BA/BS) preferred. One year of additional, directly related experience may be substituted for the undergraduate degree.


Job Title: Technical Writer/Editor I

Minimum/General Experience: At least two (2) years of experience writing and editing publications, including technical documents such as reference manuals or user guides, or other documents that contain technical language such as research reports or statistical summaries. Excellent writing skills are critical for this position, as is the ability to analyze, synthesize, and condense text that includes computer and systems terminology and is intended for use by non-technical lay audiences. Requires experience using word processing, and other office automation tools and hands-on familiarity with the client s information technology and/or publishing environment. For publications printed and distributed by government clients, also requires demonstrated knowledge of writing, editing, and style guidelines and printing regulations of the Government Printing Office.

Functional Responsibility: Supports the development and production of a variety of documents for clients and their customers. Documents written for client use include user guides, reference manuals, program maintenance manuals, document coding manuals, and other forms of documentation for specific databases and application systems. Documents prepared for client customers include research reports, statistical summaries, and other types of publications that contain technical language. Increasingly, this position also writes and edits material for online access and dissemination via the Internet, which requires special attention toward minimizing the use of technical terminology for ease in understanding by the general public. In performing these tasks, responsibilities include collecting, organizing, and synthesizing materials from existing sources; writing and editing text that involves interpretation of technical documentation; and producing final end products that are well organized, grammatically correct, and clear and concise. Also prepares materials for use in training sessions and provides oral and written status reports.

Minimum Education: Undergraduate degree (BA/BS) required. Additional directly related work experience or other education may be substituted for the undergraduate degree as follows:

(1) Three (3) years of additional, directly related work experience (over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position).

(2) An Associates Degree in a related field and two (2) years of additional directly related work experience.


Job Title: Designer II

Minimum/General Experience: Six (6) years of experience developing graphic artwork in a variety of media, using Macintosh and PC equipment. Requires experience in using numerous graphics software packages for graphics illustration, charts and graphs, page layout, photo design and production, and word processing. Requires knowledge of the client s publishing environment and style standards. For materials produced for Government clients, also requires working knowledge of the Government Printing Office s printing regulations and processes for submission of camera-ready art in electronic formats.

Functional Responsibility: Develops graphic artwork in a variety of media to support publication requirements. Typically uses computerized equipment such as Macintosh. Produces a variety of artwork, including technical and commercial documentation support assignments, viewgraph and 35mm slide presentations, pamphlets, brochures, and other forms of artwork. Performs conceptual and visualization work. May perform inking and paste-up.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in a related technical/artistic field.


Job Title: Designer I

Minimum/General Experience: Four (4) years of experience developing graphic artwork in a variety of media, using Macintosh and PC equipment. Requires experience in using numerous graphics software packages for graphics illustration, charts and graphs, page layout, photo design and production, and word processing. Requires knowledge of the client s publishing environment and style standards. For materials produced for Government clients, also requires working knowledge of the Government Printing Office s printing regulations and processes for submission of camera-ready art in electronic formats.

Functional Responsibility: Develops graphic artwork in a variety of media to support publication requirements using a Macintosh and/or PC. Produces a variety of artwork, including technical and commercial documentation support assignments, viewgraph and 35mm slide presentations, pamphlets, brochures, and other forms of artwork. Performs conceptual and visualization work. May perform inking and paste-up.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in a related technical/artistic field.


Job Title: Graphics Information Specialist III

Minimum/General Experience: Six (6) years of experience in designing, formatting, and producing artwork for inclusion in publications, reports, or other products. Demonstrated capabilities in transforming statistics and written text into charts, tables, graphs, and other types of exhibits. Proven expertise in using a variety of presentation and graphics software applications on PC and/or Macintosh and in using HTML for designing Internet home pages and displaying graphics on the Web. Requires knowledge of the client s publishing environment and style standards. For materials produced for Government clients, also requires working knowledge of the Government Printing Office s printing regulations and processes for submission of camera-ready art in electronic formats.

Functional Responsibility: Provides graphics support for the development of contract reports and deliverables and conducts design, formatting, and production of camera-ready art for publications, brochures, and other products on behalf of the client. Also may include design of multimedia products and Web sites.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in a related technical/artistic field. Advanced training in a vocational school, technical institute, or art institute above the high school level in illustrative design, commercial art, or related field plus 3 years additional experience may be substituted. Specialized training in specific software packages highly desirable.


Job Title: Graphics Information Specialist II

Minimum/General Experience: Four (4) years of experience in designing, formatting, and producing artwork for inclusion in publications, reports, or other products. Demonstrated capabilities in transforming statistics and written text into charts, tables, graphs, and other types of exhibits. Proven expertise in using a variety of presentation and graphics software applications on PC and/or Macintosh and in using HTML for designing Internet home pages and displaying graphics on the Web. Requires knowledge of the client s publishing environment and style standards. For materials produced for Government clients, also requires working knowledge of the Government Printing Office s printing regulations and processes for submission of camera-ready art in electronic formats.

Functional Responsibility: Provides graphics support for the development of contract reports and deliverables and conducts design, formatting, and production of camera-ready art for publications, brochures, and other products on behalf of the client. Also may include design of multimedia products and Web sites.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in a related technical/artistic field. Advanced training in a vocational school, technical institute, or art institute above the high school level in illustrative design, commercial art, or related field plus 2 years additional experience may be substituted. Specialized training in specific software packages highly desirable.


Job Title: Graphics Information Specialist I

Minimum/General Experience: At least two (2) years experience in designing, formatting, and producing artwork for inclusion in publications, reports, or other products. Demonstrated capabilities in transforming statistics and written text into charts, tables, graphs, and other types of exhibits. Proven expertise in using a variety of presentation and graphics software applications on the PC and/or the MAC and in using HTML for designing Internet home pages and displaying graphics on the World Wide Web. Requires knowledge of the client s publishing environment and style standards. For materials produced for government publication, also requires working knowledge of the Government Printing Office s printing regulations and processes for submission of camera ready art in electronic formats.

Functional Responsibility: Provides graphics support for the development of contract reports and deliverables and conducts design, formatting, and production of camera ready art for publications, brochures, and other products on behalf of clients. Also may include design of multimedia products and Internet Web sites.

Minimum Education: Advanced training in a vocational school, technical institute, or art institute above the high school level in illustrative design, commercial art, or related fields is required. Specialized training in specific software packages highly desirable.


Job Title: Multimedia Specialist II

Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years of experience using advanced design and technical skills to produce multimedia products, including 3-D exhibit development, electronic presentations, and Web site design. Requires knowledge of the client s publishing environment and style standards. For materials produced for Government clients, also requires working knowledge of the Government Printing Office s printing regulations and processes for submission of camera-ready art in electronic formats.

Functional Responsibility: Oversees the development of complex products in both print and electronic media. Provides comprehensive Web design, animation, and multimedia integration services. Develops project budgets and schedules. May market new technology solutions and presentations to internal and external clients. Provides structured, technical training to graphics staff regarding software programs. Serves as an art/design resource to all graphics staff.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in a related technical/artistic field. Specialized training in specific software packages highly desirable.


Job Title: Multimedia Specialist I

Minimum/General Experience: Three (3) years of experience using advanced design and technical skills to produce multimedia products, including 3-D exhibit development, electronic presentations, and Web site design. Requires knowledge of the client s publishing environment and style standards. For materials produced for Government clients, also requires working knowledge of the Government Printing Office s printing regulations and processes for submission of camera-ready art in electronic formats.

Functional Responsibility: Coordinates the development of complex products in both print and electronic media. Provides comprehensive Web design, animation, and multimedia integration services. Develops project budgets and schedules. May market new technology solutions and presentations to internal and external clients. Provides structured, technical training to graphics staff regarding software programs. Serves as an art/design resource to all graphics staff.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in a related technical/artistic field. Specialized training in specific software packages highly desirable.


Job Title: Desktop Specialist II

Minimum/General Experience: Seven (7) years of experience supporting publications and report preparation activities through word processing, creating charts and graphs, and performing page layouts. Requires experience in using numerous software applications (e.g., WordPerfect, MS Word, and Excel) and office automation tools.

Functional Responsibility: Performs word processing, graphic design, and related support functions in the preparation of publications and reports.

Minimum Education: High school diploma or equivalent.


Job Title: Desktop Specialist I

Minimum/General Experience: Three (3) years of experience supporting publications and report preparation activities through word processing, creating charts and graphs, and performing page layouts. Requires experience in using numerous software applications (e.g., WordPerfect, MS Word, and Excel) and office automation tools.

Functional Responsibility: Performs word processing, graphic design, and related support functions in the preparation of publications and reports.

Minimum Education: High school diploma or equivalent.


Job Title: Statistician II

Minimum/General Experience: Seven (7) years of experience conducting advanced statistical analyses using SPSS, SAS, and other statistical analysis software products. Working knowledge of statistical principles, methods, and techniques. Depending on the nature of the project, experience may be required in such areas as quantitative research synthesis, survey design and administration, database development, quality control reviews, and report generation, including the production of codebooks, data summary tables, and other analytical materials.

Functional Responsibility: Conducts statistical research and analysis and compiles and interprets statistical records and reports of programs, projects, and activities. Accountable for the adequacy of the statistical methods selected and the accuracy of the results obtained. Determines methods of statistical analysis and applies statistical techniques to determine measures of central tendency, correlation, sample size, significance of differences, etc. Compiles and analyzes data, interpreting trends, fluctuations, and other changes. Prepares reports, graphs, charts and occasionally provides oral presentations of the results of statistical studies. Researches pertinent literature in a designed project area and analyzes applicability of concepts. May consult with program and administrative staff in the development and completion of projects. May perform specialized statistical analysis involving correlation and regression equations. May supervise clerical personnel engaged in carrying out statistical clerical procedures.

Minimum Education: Master s degree in statistics, mathematics, or a behavioral science.


Job Title: Statistician I

Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years of experience conducting advanced statistical analyses using SPSS, SAS, and other statistical analysis software products. Working knowledge of statistical principles, methods, and techniques. Depending on the nature of the project, experience may be required in such areas as quantitative research synthesis, survey design and administration, database development, quality control reviews, and report generation, including the production of codebooks, data summary tables, and other analytical materials.

Functional Responsibility: Conducts statistical research and analysis and compiles and interprets statistical records and reports of programs, projects, and activities. Accountable for the adequacy of the statistical methods selected and the accuracy of the results obtained. Determines methods of statistical analysis and applies statistical techniques to determine measures of central tendency, correlation, sample size, significance of differences, etc. Compiles and analyzes data, interpreting trends, fluctuations, and other changes. Prepares reports, graphs, charts and occasionally provides oral presentations of the results of statistical studies. Researches pertinent literature in a designed project area and analyzes applicability of concepts. May consult with program and administrative staff in the development and completion of projects. May perform specialized statistical analysis involving correlation and regression equations. May supervise clerical personnel engaged in carrying out statistical clerical procedures.

Minimum Education: Master s degree in statistics, mathematics, or a behavioral science. Bachelor s degree with concentration in statistics plus 3 years of relevant experience may be substituted for a Master s degree.


Job Title: Research Analyst II

Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years of experience conducting research, including literature reviews, meta-analyses, and program evaluations. Familiarity in using statistical analysis software to conduct data analysis tasks and search and retrieval applications to conduct database searching.

Functional Responsibility: Conducts research and analysis of programs, projects, and activities, applying advanced research methods and techniques to problems of increasing difficulty. Utilizes the techniques of data collection, compilation, and analysis, and assists in collecting, compiling, and analyzing statistical data. Also provides support in preparing research reports and summarizing research findings for publication in journals, in newsletters, and on the Web.

Minimum Education: Master s degree in statistics, mathematics, or a behavioral science. Bachelor s degree with concentration in statistics or research methods plus 3 years of relevant experience may be substituted for a Master s degree.


Job Title: Research Analyst I

Minimum/General Experience: Three (3) years of experience conducting research, including literature reviews, meta-analyses, and program evaluations. Familiarity in using statistical analysis software to conduct data analysis tasks and search and retrieval applications to conduct database searching.

Functional Responsibility: Conducts research and analysis of programs, projects, and activities, applying advanced research methods and techniques to problems of increasing difficulty. Utilizes the techniques of data collection, compilation, and analysis, and assists in collecting, compiling, and analyzing statistical data. Also provides support in preparing research reports and summarizing research findings for publication in journals, in newsletters, and on the Web.

Minimum Education: Master s degree in statistics, mathematics, or a behavioral science. Bachelor s degree with concentration in statistics or research methods plus 1 year of relevant experience may be substituted for a Master s degree.


Job Title: Management Analyst II

Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years of experience performing financial accounting and other business management-related work, with 3 years of related experience specifically on Government contracts. Knowledge of Excel, Lotus, and/or other spreadsheet software applications required; familiarity with Government accounting procedures and systems preferred.

Functional Responsibility: Performs financial tracking and management tasks, including using spreadsheets to develop and monitor of budgets, reviewing of all project-related expenses for eligibility, preparing financial reports, and tracking subcontractor and consultant expenses. Ensures mathematical correctness of submitted expenses and identifies problem expenses for management intervention. Working with management, suggests planning and management controls for improvement, including expanded usage of management information systems and other automated tools.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in a business-related field.


Job Title: Management Analyst I

Minimum/General Experience: Three (3) years of experience performing financial accounting and other business management-related work, with 1 year of related experience specifically on Government contracts. Knowledge of Excel, Lotus, and/or other spreadsheet software applications required; familiarity with Government accounting procedures and systems preferred.

Functional Responsibility: Performs financial tracking and management tasks, including using spreadsheets to develop and monitor of budgets, reviewing of all project-related expenses for eligibility, preparing financial reports, and tracking subcontractor and consultant expenses. Ensures mathematical correctness of submitted expenses and identifies problem expenses for management intervention. Working with management, suggests planning and management controls for improvement, including expanded usage of management information systems and other automated tools.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in a business-related field.


Job Title: Administrative Support II

Minimum/General Experience: Three (3) years of experience performing administrative support tasks, including word processing, filing, answering telephones, etc. Experience using office automation software and equipment required.

Functional Responsibility: Under general supervision, performs standard secretarial duties. Receives and routes incoming correspondence, answers telephone, and types correspondence, reports, forms, and records. Makes travel arrangements and reservations. Schedules appointments for supervisor. May be required to take and transcribe dictation.

Minimum Education: High school diploma or equivalent.



Job Title: Administrative Support I

Minimum/General Experience: Two (2) years of experience performing administrative support tasks, including word processing, filing, answering telephones, etc. Experience using office automation software and equipment required.

Functional Responsibility: Under general supervision, performs standard secretarial duties. Receives and routes incoming correspondence, answers telephone, and types correspondence, reports, forms, and records. Makes travel arrangements and reservations. Schedules appointments for supervisor. May be required to take and transcribe dictation.

Minimum Education: High school diploma or equivalent.


Job Title: Systems Engineer

Minimum/General Experience: At least three (3) years experience designing, developing, integrating, and installing complex data processing systems, including full life cycle experience - from concept development through system maintenance. The subject experience should encompass systems involving the client s core information technologies which may include large scale data base management systems, large scale document processing systems, Internet-related technologies, or specialized processing, communications, or data conversion technology. At least one year of experience should include system development experience working in a LAN/WAN environment. Familiarity with the functional area the system will support is helpful. Broad knowledge of the Government s information technology environments and standards is required, and experience with specific hardware and software in the client s existing environment is very helpful. Requires excellent written and oral communication skills.

Functional Responsibility: The Systems Engineer is responsible for designing, developing, integrating, and implementing new system solutions to client information processing needs. Given a set of functional requirements, the Systems Engineer identifies and recommends appropriate technology, designs a system to meet the defined needs, develops any necessary interfaces or tools, integrates and installs the system, tests and troubleshoots, and provides user training. The Systems Engineer specifies all hardware and software and sets up systems and procedures for ensuring system security and integrity, for performing scheduled back-ups, and for ensuring sound overall system management, including disaster recovery plans. Coordinates with the COTR, Government data processing staff, and internal management in the performance of all functions, reports on progress, and provides system level documentation.

Minimum Education: Undergraduate degree (BA/BS) required, concentration in computer science or related field preferred. Additional directly related work experience or other education may be substituted for the undergraduate degree as follows:

(1) Three years of additional, directly related work experience (over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position).

(2) An Associates Degree in a related field and 2 years of additional directly related work experience.

(3) An IT-related Certificate Program and 2 years of additional directly related work experience.


Job Title: Database Analyst

Minimum/General Experience: At least five (5) years experience in programming and applications development, including two (2) years experience in the design and administration of databases in the hardware/software/networking environment used in the client agency. Experience in data storage technology planning, performance and capacity planning and modeling, applications planning, human factors issues, and either centralized or distributed processing, as appropriate. Requires in-depth knowledge of the Government client agency s data processing environments, networking environments, and security requirements. Experience in providing support within the client agency s functional area helpful. Excellent written and oral communication skills required.

Functional Responsibility: The Database Analyst creates databases; performs periodic updates, maintenance, or modifications to existing databases; provides support in tuning database applications; provides guidance to analysts and programmers in the use of specified database management systems to optimize the performance of applications; and provides technical support for database related software packages. The Database Analyst may also be responsible for issuing user IDs and passwords and maintaining system security; allocating and tracking disk space and other data storage media; providing technical consulting services to, and coordinating with, data processing users responsible for specific applications and databases on the system; identifying and ordering needed supplies, hardware, software, and accessories; and performing hardware and software upgrades. In addition, the Database Analyst may be responsible for maintaining the data dictionary/data directory, for technical advice on physical database design, and for any specialized requirements of the specific database management system in use. The Database Analyst coordinates with the COTR, Aspen managers, and Government and Aspen technical staff on all these issues. Provides periodic progress reports, provides tools for system-wide use in application development, and prepares system documentation.

Minimum Education: Undergraduate degree (BA/BS) required. Computer science or related discipline preferred. Additional directly related work experience or other education may be substituted for the undergraduate degree as follows:

(1) Three years of additional, directly related work experience (over and above the minimum experience requirements for this position).

(2) An Associates Degree in a related field and 2 years of additional directly related work experience.

(3) An IT-related Certificate Program and 2 years of additional directly related work experience.


Job Title: Data Entry Clerk II

Minimum/General Experience: Five (5) years of general data entry experience to include experience operating an alphanumeric keyboard. Experience in information technology or automated office environment and in the functional area applicable to specific task orders preferred. Requires ability to operate a variety of office automation equipment and personal computers. For specific assignments, may also require ability to analyze documents to extract information. Attention to detail and ability to work independently while following prescribed procedures required.

Functional Responsibility: Works with data and/or enters data on-line to a variety of computer systems. Enters data in prescribed format for subsequent processing. May also extract bibliographic or subjective information from documents, invoices, or other source material and directly input the extracted information on a day entry screen. Reviews error messages and makes corrections during data entry. Maintains operating records logs and controls documents, conducts first level quality control checks.

Minimum Education: High school diploma or GED certificate.


Job Title: Data Entry Clerk I

General Experience/Responsibility: The Data Entry Clerk performs a variety of basic clerical duties related to contact center operations, including filing, sorting, document processing, data entry, proofreading, checking computations, light typing, and operating office machines, such as adding and copying machines. The scope of a Data Entry Clerk s work is limited and generally performed under the supervision of another employee.

Minimum Education: High school diploma or equivalent, and zero to six months of related experience are required.


Job Title: PC Technician

Minimum/General Experience: One year of experience performing repairs, maintenance, and troubleshooting on industry standard types of PCs. One year of performing repairs, maintenance, and troubleshooting in a LAN or WAN environment. Experience in a Government contract work environment preferred. Excellent end user interaction skill required.

Functional Responsibility: The PC Technician is responsible for set-up, on-site maintenance, and diagnostic services for PCs and peripheral equipment, such as printers, scanners, monitors, keyboards, and data storage devices. Assists user in troubleshooting and where possible, correcting operating and hardware problems. Installs new hardware and software as well as upgrades. Makes relevant operating system changes to PCs. Performs requisite maintenance on equipment where necessary and not covered under warranty or maintenance contracts; arranges for other maintenance. Coordinates all types of maintenance with more senior project management and data processing staff.

Minimum Education: Graduation from a recognized computer repair training program or equivalent experience required.


Job Title: Operations Manager II

Minimum/General Experience: Four (4) years of progressively more responsible supervisory and management experience on major records management and litigation support projects. Demonstrated ability to manage numerous complex and time critical activities simultaneously, including technical/data processing support activities. Requires expert knowledge of records management or litigation support; outstanding writing, oral communication, and management skills. Must be able to anticipate support needs and develop and execute detailed plans for addressing needs. Requires broad knowledge of data processing environments, including office automation networks, PC-based databases and applications, and server-based databases and applications. Should be an expert user of word processing, spreadsheet, imaging and telecommunications systems.

Functional Responsibility: Has primary responsibility for all support provided to a particular project and either reports to a more senior manager or works independently to manage project(s). The Operations Manager is the primary point of contact for all support for the project, and has frequent contact with the cognizant government manager(s); and client agency staff. The Operations Manager is responsible for planning and managing all support for the project, including monitoring work flow, progress reporting, identifying and assigning staff, budget development and tracking, coordinating technical/data processing support, and obtaining other required resources. Performs an active quality assurance role to ensure high quality work delivered on time. Ensures that proper security is maintained over all project components and resources to deliver project support.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree. Law degree or pertinent graduate degree helpful.


Job Title: Operations Manager I

Minimum/General Experience: At least three (3) years of progressively more responsible supervisory and management experience on major records management and litigation support projects. Demonstrated ability to manage numerous complex and time critical activities simultaneously, including technical/data processing support activities. Requires expert knowledge of records management or litigation support; outstanding writing skills; excellent oral communication skills; proven management skills. Must be able to anticipate support needs and develop and execute detailed plans for addressing needs. Requires broad knowledge of data processing environments, including office automation networks, PC-based databases and applications, and server-based databases and applications. Should be an expert user of word processing, spreadsheet, imaging and telecommunications systems.

Functional Responsibility: The Operations Manager has primary responsibility for all support provided to a particular project and either reports to a more senior manager or works independently to manage project(s). The Operations Manager is the primary point of contact for all support for the project, and will have frequent contact with the cognizant government manager(s); and client agency staff. The Operations Manager is responsible for planning and managing all support for the project, including monitoring work flow, progress reporting, identifying and assigning staff, budget development and tracking, coordinating technical/data processing support, and obtaining other required resources. Performs an active quality assurance role to ensure high quality work delivered on time. Ensures that proper security is maintained over all project components and resources to deliver project support.

Minimum Education: Requires an undergraduate degree. Law degree or pertinent graduate degree helpful.


 Job Title: Document Management Analyst

Minimum/General Experience: One year of experience working on major litigation support projects. Demonstrated ability to work independently in a team environment. Excellent writing skills and oral communication skills extremely important. Requires hands-on familiarity with the Government's data processing environments, including office automation networks, PC-based database and other applications, server-based database and other applications, especially ORACLE and BRS. Should be a knowledgeable user of the Government's word processing, spreadsheet, imaging, and telecommunications systems.

Functional Responsibility: Performs moderately complex litigation support tasks, including, detailed indexing of case files, drafting procedures for accomplishing litigation support assignments, document acquisition related tasks, etc. Proofreads and edits deliverable products. Sometimes serves as "team leader" for larger group of Document Management Technicians and clerical support staff. Often works with minimal supervision.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree


Job Title: Customer Service Representative IV

The Customer Service Representative IV provides telephone, e-mail, and correspondence services as described above for both CSR: Telephone and CSR: E-Mail and Correspondence.

Minimum Education: Must be English/Spanish bilingual; high school diploma and one to three years of related experience.



Job Title: Customer Service Representative III 

The Customer Service Representative III performs research to create and maintain information that enhances the ability of telephone, e-mail, and physical mail-focused CSRs to provide accurate, timely information to constituents. As a key member of the support staff team, a CSR working in Research and Analysis will maintain information systems, including a variety of websites and databases specific to a certain project. S/he will also develop scripting. Must possess exceptional research skills, including a facility with Internet research, along with superior written communication skills.

Minimum Education: High school diploma with some college courses/ specialized knowledge and four to five years related experience or Bachelor s degree and one to three years related experience required. Knowledge of Microsoft Office and experience with FrontPage/HTML also required.


Job Title: Customer Service Representative II

The Customer Service Representative II provides higher-level support for inbound e-mail and correspondence received at the contact center. Performs research and content analysis to craft appropriate, first-line responses to e-mail and physical mail inquiries. Will possess excellent reading comprehension, analytical, and written communication skills to craft a high-quality product. May be assigned special projects at supervisor s discretion.

Minimum Education: High school diploma or equivalent, and two to three years of related experience are required.


Job Title: Customer Service Representative I 

The Customer Service Representative I provides high-quality basic service to inbound callers. Will work collaboratively with constituent to disseminate accurate information over the telephone. Researches information to craft responses for caller using on-site database and Internet tools. May be assigned special projects at supervisor s discretion.

Minimum Education: High school diploma or equivalent, and one to two years of related experience.


 Job Title: Customer Service Team Leader

The Customer Service Team Leader monitors, coaches, and provides performance feedback to telephone, e-mail, and physical mail-focused Customer Service Representatives. Supporting the Department s goals and objectives, the Team Leader works closely with CSRs to coordinate job assignments, workflow, proper communication, and proper training. Responsible for day-to-day coordination and administration of tasks, the Team Leader ensures quality and productivity standards are maintained while meeting client schedules; s/he coordinates with other personnel to ensure work moves smoothly from one functional area to another. The Team Leader assists in writing manuals and other process documentation; s/he prepares status and task management Finally, the Team Leader works with the project manager and/or client to prepare work schedules, estimate the number of hours required on a regular basis.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in related field and two to four years of related work experience required.


Job Title: Contact Center Program Supervisor

The Contact Center Program Supervisor utilizes skill and knowledge in the supervision and coordination of contact center operations. Has complete understanding and application of principles, concepts, and practices of assigned tasks. Supervises, trains, and develops customer service representatives (CSRs). Prepares performance evaluations. Arranges activities and plans schedules to meet deliverables. Assists in tracking and measuring task performance. May be responsible for task financial monitoring and budgeting. Interacts with senior personnel and clients but is not the primary point of contact for the client. Prepares reports for management and clients as required. May provide assistance to project management for special projects/tasks as required.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree and five to seven years of experience are required.


Job Title: Contact Center Program Manager

The Contact Center Program Manager holds high-level oversight and supervisory responsibility for contact center operations. Like the Contact Center Program Supervisor, holds complete understanding of application of principles, concepts, and practices of assigned tasks. Provides oversight of supervision and training for customer service representatives (CSRs). Prepares performance evaluations for supervisory staff. Tracks and measures overall attainment of staff team goals. Monitors finance and budgeting. Serves as a primary point of contact for the client in the absence of Contact Center Program Director. Oversees preparation of reports for management and clients. Oversees special projects/tasks as required.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree and seven to ten years of experience.


Job Title: Contact Center Program Director

The Contact Center Program Director oversees all contact center program staff. Must have complete understanding of management principles, concepts, and practices in the contact center environment. Oversees all project staff, including CSRs, team leads, supervisors, and managers. Oversees training and performance evaluation processes for all project staff. Tracks and measures overall attainment of staff team goals. Holds direct responsibility for project finance and budgeting. Serves as a primary point of client contact. Leads teams working on special projects/tasks as required.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree and ten or more years of experience.


Job Title: Contact Center Program Administrator (Coordinator I)

The Contact Center Program Administrator s main function is to interact with others to collect information, follow-up on deadlines, track progress to enable project to meet its objectives/ requirements. Responsible for coordination of efforts of others and/or projects/areas such as Dissemination, Reference, Database, Outreach, Project, etc. Organize production and presentation of deliverables. Serves as a point of communication with client. Assists with coordination of input of website information. Computer skills required. Composes basic reports. Develops and tracks schedules.

Minimum Education: Requires a Bachelor s degree and up to two years of related experience.

 Job Title: Graphic Artist

The Graphic Artist works to lay out various documents, including brochures, catalogs, etc. Serves as a point of contact for vendors and printers. Uses a personal computer and publishing software, produces high-quality documents which simulate typeset quality. Imports from word processing software and reformats to enhance design characteristics. Prepares electronic files for the printing process. Duties require knowledge of various types of equipment and software and the ability to conceptualize the desired results.

Minimum Education: High school diploma or equivalent, some college courses, four to five years of related experience, and specialized training in desktop publishing software and layout skills are required.


 Job Title: Technical Writer I

The Technical Writer I researches, writes, edits, and proofreads technical data for use in documents or sections of documents such as manuals, procedures and specifications. Ensures technical documentation is accurate, complete, meets editorial and government specifications, and adheres to standards for quality, graphics, coverage, format, and style. Assists in establishing guidelines and standards for texts and illustrations.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in an applicable technical field or equivalent, excellent written communication skills, and zero to two years of technical writing and copy editing experience are required.


Job Title: Technical Writer II

The Technical Writer II researches, writes, edits, and proofreads technical data for use in documents or sections of documents such as manuals, procedures and specifications. Ensures technical documentation is accurate, complete, meets editorial and government specifications and adheres to standards for quality, graphics, coverage, format, and style. Assists in establishing style guidelines and standards for texts and illustrations.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in an applicable technical field or equivalent, excellent written communication skills, and two to four years of technical writing and copy editing experience are required.


Job Title: Analyst/Programmer I

Under close direction, the Analyst/Programmer I performs routine programming assignments related to contact center software, networks, or web tools that require following project specifications and statements of problems and procedures to create or modify computer programs. May confer with end users to analyze specified methods and procedures, identify problems, and document specific input and output requirements. May use software tools to design detailed flowcharts and generate standardized code.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in computer science or related field, or equivalent experience, and up to two years of related experience are required.


 Job Title: Analyst/Programmer II

Under direction, the Analyst/Programmer II plans develops, tests, and documents computer programs related to contact center software, networks, or web tools, generally working from source data provided by senior analysts. May review system capabilities and scheduling limitations to determine if requested program or modification is possible within existing system. Confers with end users to analyze specified methods and procedures, identify problems, and document specific input and output requirements. May use software tools to design detailed flowcharts and generate standardized code.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in computer science or related field, or equivalent experience, and two to four years of related experience are required.


Job Title: Analyst/Programmer III

The Analyst/Programmer III designs, develops, and implements complex applications/systems related to contact center software, networks, or web tools. Works on assignments that require non-standard programming techniques. Evaluates user requests for new or modified programs to determine feasibility, cost, and time requirements. Determines programming specifications. Provides guidance to less experienced analyst/programmers.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in computer science, management information systems, or related field, or equivalent experience, and five to seven years of related experience are required.


Job Title: Implementation Manager (Supervisor, Information Systems)

The Implementation Manager is responsible for the supervision and direction of a group of information systems professionals working together on implementation of a variety of contact center technology projects and software. Coordinates the activities of the group to meet objectives, deadlines and budgets, and to coordinate/resolve client requests. Capable of working independently or as a member of a project team and providing technical consultation on complex projects. Participates in the hiring, developing, and review of employees and their performance. Also serves as the technical specialist for the area of assigned responsibility, provides training and guidance of assigned staff.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in a technical discipline or equivalent experience, and seven to nine years of related experience required.


 Job Title: Network Consultant (Supervisor, Network Technology)

The Network Consultant provides high-level planning and design for a variety of contact center technology projects and software development. Responsible for the supervision and direction of a group of information systems professionals working under his/her direction. Coordinates the activities of the group to meet objectives, deadlines, budgets, and coordinate/resolve client requests. Participates in the hiring, developing, and reviewing employees and their performance. Also serves as the technical specialist for the area of assigned responsibility, provides training and guidance of assigned staff.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in a technical discipline or equivalent experience, and seven to nine years of related experience required.


Job Title: Training Assistant

The Training Assistant schedules programs, presentations and training sessions which are presented to contact center management, staff and customers. Assembles materials, schedules conference rooms, prepares class rosters and provides for any audio/visual equipment that may be required.

Minimum Education: High school diploma or equivalent and four to five years of related experience are required.


Job Title: Trainer

The Trainer is responsible for the working in a number of phases of contact center education and training. Confers with management to gain knowledge of identified work situation requiring preventive or remedial training for employees. Formulates teaching outline in conformance with selected instructional methods, utilizing knowledge of specified training needs and effectiveness of such training methods as individual coaching, group instruction, lectures, demonstrations, conferences, meetings, and workshops. Selects teaching aids, such as training handbooks, demonstration models, multimedia visual aids, and reference work. Conducts general training sessions covering contact center education, such as those concerned with new employees orientation, specific on-the-job training, apprenticeship programs, refresher training, career development, upgrading, and other such adaptations to changes in policies, procedures, regulations, and technologies. Tests trainees to measure their learning progress and to evaluate effectiveness of training presentations.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree or equivalent and two to four years of training experience or experience in related position.


Job Title: Quality Assurance Specialist

The Quality Assurance Specialist utilizes skill and knowledge pertaining to contact center quality assurance programs to provide independent verification of contact center program excellence. Selects random contacts and verifies through the use of established quality metrics that contacts with constituents are meeting or exceeding standards set in collaboration with client. Participates in multi-channel calibration sessions with client representatives. Provides introductory and recurrent quality training for staff. Remains current on project-related information.

Minimum Education: Bachelor s degree in Business Administration or related field and up to two years of related experience.

















Aspen Systems Corporation Authorized Scheduled Pricelist (Updated 7/2005)


Labor Category

Hourly Rate

Project Executive II


Project Executive


Project Director III


Project Director II


Project Director


Project Manager


Technical Consultant III


Technical Consultant II


Technical Consultant


Subject Matter Specialist VI


Subject Matter Specialist V


Subject Matter Specialist IV


Subject Matter Specialist III


Subject Matter Specialist II


Subject Matter Specialist I


Technical Analyst III


Technical Analyst II


Technical Analyst I


Technical Team Leader


Systems Analyst III


Systems Analyst II


Systems Analyst I


Programmer IV


Programmer III


Programmer II


Programmer I


Network Administrator III


Network Administrator II


Network Administrator I


Telecommunications Specialist II


Telecommunications Specialist I


User Support Specialist III


User Support Specialist II


User Technical Support Specialist I


Information Specialist II


Information Specialist I


Technical Writer/Editor I


Designer II


Designer I


Graphics Information Specialist III


Graphics Information Specialist II


Graphics Information Specialist I


Multimedia Specialist II


Multimedia Specialist I


Desktop Specialist II


Desktop Specialist I


Statistician II


Statistician I


Research Analyst II


Research Analyst I


Management Analyst II


Management Analyst I


Administrative Support II


Administrative Support I


Systems Engineer


Database Analyst


Data Entry Clerk II


Data Entry Clerk I


PC Technician


Operations Manager II


Operations Manager I


Document Management Analyst


Customer service Representative IV


Customer service Representative III


Customer service Representative II


Customer service Representative I


Customer Service Team Leader


Contact Center Program Supervisor


Contact Center Program Manager


Contact Center Program Director


Contact Center Program Administrator


Graphic Artist


Technical Writer I


Technical Writer II


Analyst /Programmer I


Analyst /Programmer II


Analyst /Programmer III


Implementation Manager


Network Consultant


Training Assistant




Quality Assurance Specialist




SIN 132.34: Software Maintenance


Annual Maintenance and Support: STANDARD Edify Corporation/ Product Number 81018S GSA Price/12 months - 18% of list price.


Annual Maintenance and Support: ADVANTAGE 24x7 Edify Product Number 81022S

GSA Price/12 months - 22% of list price.